Story.6 is final story in Room1.
Thank you so so much for watching, everyone!!
Many miniatures which become Zaku-san’s friend appear in Story.6.
I introduce one by one!
First item is this.

For Zaku-san(miniature)
For Human
Many fihshing rods for Zaku-san are found in Amazon!!
Lets’ seach!
The fishing rod for Human is full set!
You can go fishing soon with this set^^
Many living creatures apper in Story.6.
I introduce some creatures one by one.
First is a crayfish!

For Zaku-san(miniature)
For Human
The crayfish for Zaku-san is red one. I love “Red”. But, it’s not so fast, maybe…
The crayfish for Human is blue! I have seen it for the first time.
It’s so beatiful!!!
Next is Gold fish.

For Zaku-san(miniature)
For Human
Actually, this fish is “Ranchu”.
I love this fish.
I’m healed when I see swimming ranchu.
I recommend to get ranchu as a healing pet^^
Final is “Tsuchinoko”. Tsuchinoko is legendary creature.

For Zaku-san(miniature)
For Human
Living in a legend
Tsuchinoko for Zaku-san cannot be found in Amazon.
I introduced Japanese one.

Room1 is over.
Again, Thank you very much for watching!!
I will continue to upload other story and process.
Please check continuously.
Additionally, I upload the latest story in SNS(Instagram and Twitter).
Please follow me at below links^^
Let’s continue to Room2!